A truly magical place for vegetarians living in BARCELONA! It’s cheap, it’s delicious-what more could anyone ask for?  The waiters I know of are both Italian and very kind. They take time to craft your meal and the presentation of it all is both clean and delicate. This is one of the cafe’s I am going to miss the most when I leave Barcelona. It also has FREE WIFI!  Vegans will also appreciate their dessert menu!

LOCATION: Travessera de Gracia 203, Barcelona


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Andalucia was everything I pictured Spain would be. We hit up 3 cities in 10 days.

First Stop: Granada

Its hard to say which city I liked best; all these cities have their own draw and theme. If you’re in Spain you must go to Granada. This city-town hybrid is for those who love a bohemian atmosphere and want to live in a place where all you see is warmth that resembles the valencia filter on Instagram . I haven’t seen so many people with so many dreads, piercings, tattoos, and with such free spirits and originality.

It’s a bit difficult to keep your feet firmly planted on the ground; I found myself slipping and tripping a lot due to the beautiful marblesque floors that cover all of Granada.


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My little Grand Budapest Hotel 🙂

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Maggie, the master  of all water bottle balancing.

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The Beach Town: Málaga

We hit up Málaga for a good tan and some well deserved relaxation. It is definitely the florida of Spain, and it has really good seafood :).  The processions for semana santa were super intense that it was difficult to walk to our apartment because of the human blockades.

I finally swam in the Mediterranean! It was super cold at first but then I got used to it! It was so exhilarating! One of the best parts of the trip by far!

Oh, and our apartment spent days soaking up aloe vera after only spending 3 or 4 hours on the beach (#sunburn).

I GOT MY EAR PIERCED! Maggie, Steph, and myself found a tattoo and piercing shop and they were all so kind and accommodating! I got a hoop on my lobe 🙂

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Photo on 4-24-14 at 8.49 AM

The Last but certainly not Least: Sevilla

To my surprise, it is a modern city. It has a beautiful metro, very clean and tidy. It has a Starbucks on every corner of the city center which was a bit…weird. It has amazing architecture! Plaza Espanya was my favorite!

We also saw a kick-ass flamenco show!

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Life has been so good to me recently! Good company and good vibes is all I need 🙂




The Weekend is for the Warrior

It all started when the fire nation attacked…well… not necessarily. If by fire nation I mean Munich and by attacked I mean my good friend Stephanie leaving me for a weekend in Munich then yes- this Avatar the Last Airbender reference should make complete sense.

My biggest worry: I would lay in my bed counting the hours until my friend would come to her senses and rush back to me admitting her mistake. Fortunately and unfortunately, that didn’t happen.


Also now known as Pho fridays, Bonnie and I made the best pho to date! As an appetizer we had the best cheese in the world- brie cheese accompanied with tostadas and a glass of vino tinto. I expected myself to be accustomed to wine by the sixth month and yet, no success. It was worth a shot though.

Later on we were accompanied by the duo, marion and miranda, and had a movie night. We watched a mexican movie called Cansado de besar sapos. It was cute and quirky and sounded super weird. Mexican spanish and spain spanish are so different!



The weather was unreal, I loved it! I didn’t need to wear a huge coat, all i needed was my utilitarian jacket and I was set to paint the town red! The duo and I had lunch at this awesome burger joint! We went to catch the bus to Hospital de la Santa Creu i Santa Pau- in it’s early years it was a hospital and now it has been remodeled into this beautiful modernist inspired museum! It made me feel as though I was in Moscow!

After our excursion, we went to this restaurant called Pepa Tomate that Bonnie says is always poppin’- and that it was. It had really small portions but really good cucumber salad! We ordered a dessert called records’d infantesa. It’s basically gerber banana strawberry and apple flavor puree, a milk chocolate bar, and some brownies all in a box. Probably one of the weirdest desserts I’ve ever had, but apparently it is what most catalan children have for dessert. This makes sense because the dessert name directly translates to infancy memories.

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THE BEST HIKE EVER! Mary, Bonnie, Miranda and myself finally had the chance to go to the  Monasterio de Montserrat and it was beautiful. Out of the blue, we decided to take the Sant Joan hike trail. Mary, our fitness trainer, worked us to the bone and we made it to the top! It was truly an unbelievable experience and it was a great way to end the weekend!

monasterio grim hike cruz farm rockcliff ricks

Thanks for reading!

